Secure protection in case of high momentary overloading.
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Surge arresters are protectors against specific types of surges, such as a power grid surge for instance. They protect heavy-loaded electrical circuits from overload. Used to protect not only particular consumers/circuits but also the whole panel. They are remarkable with high reliability. Automatic switching off at exit failure and recovery after eliminating the danger.
They can be mounted on DIN-rail, vertical, or in the distributions box on the front or right before the breaker. Rated operating voltage Uc: 275/440V;50Hz.
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The surge arrester selection is made according to the overload risk level or atmosphere activity, named B, C or D (from high to low-risk level). The company offers a model for these three levels of risk: Model SPD – Bxxxx – for systems with exceptionally high-risk levels.
Mounted mainly at the beginning of the installation or in the main panel. Model SPD – Cxxxx – for systems with high or average risk levels. Mounted at the beginning of the installation or before the breaker. Model SPD – Dxxxx – for systems with low-risk levels. Suitable for secondary protection of consumers in combination with SPD – Bxxxx/SPD – Cxxxx.
What does a surge arrester do
A surge arrester is a protective piece of equipment that is most often used in home and industry electrical chains. Its main task is to divert any access amount of current away from the appliance or system it is in parallel with, allowing its normal function, while also diverting hazardous spikes in current.
This is a necessary piece of tech which can be used in parallel with other types of protective electronic components, with this one being left as a secondary or backup safety. It is most often found in systems that are prone to lightning strikes and works by diverting any excess electrical power away from the system, down into a grounding wire.
It is necessary for this wire to reach a true neutral, otherwise, the system might be compromised and the circuit breaker might trip or even burn out. This is why this system can be seen in houses with a lot of appliances, in small facilities, pools and can even be seen in windmills which are most prone to lightning strikes.
Surge arresters are installed externally to a system and are generally rated for small surges arrest and different from surge suppressors by their classification and their location in the system. There are specific surges that an arrester can handle, however, if the system experiences something higher than its capacity, the arrester will let the excess current pass through the system.
This is where fail-safe systems are implemented as was mentioned at the beginning of this information bulleting. These arresters are rated both for external and internal over-voltage scenarios and are classified as per their specific application and the amount of over-voltage which they can handle.
If you are uncertain which type of arrester is suitable for you, then feel free to contact us or consult a specialist on the matter. All electrical work regardless of application should be done by trained and certified personnel, so be sure to consult with them.