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Elmark offers a large range of hand tools and consumables for them. In our catalogue there are available various hydraulic crimping tools and hydraulic punching press with an additional set of elements, mechanical cable cutting pliers, instruments for manual crimping of conductors.
For your safety, we offer tools with insulation the VDE series. This series include 1000V insulated pliers, wire strippers, screwdrivers and other. You can also find spanners, sockets and different type of bits in different sizes.
Browse all products of this category and full technical information here:
The electrician’s dream tools
Any electrical or mechanical job’s success, whether professional or a home DIY one, depends on the quality of the tools and the person using them. There’s a saying in the trades world “The best tool is the tool you have, you might own a premium one, but if it’s not on sight, its quality doesn’t mean anything”.
With ElmarkHolding.eu you will never be found lacking in hand tools, with our special selection of crimpers, hydraulic hole punch machines, wire strippers, cutters, special screw drivers with Torx, PH and PZ and slotted heads and a lot more.
What is special about these tools
Any tool can be as useful as the uses you find for it, however, there are specialized instruments which are more than important when dealing with a professional electrician’s job. One such case are the VDE series tools which are a special variety of insulated tools specifically made for professional electricians.
In the VDE series you can find combined pliers with a standard fretting grip on the jaws and a cutting attachment as well as long nosed pliers for those tight spaces. There are diagonal pliers for fitting in awkward positions, with the ability to cut copper wiring and a Wire Stripper specially designed to automatically strip a wire with the designed gauge.
The groove joint pliers are designed to be adjusted according the needs of the job, with a special rubberized handle for extra grip strength. There are also slotted and PH screwdrivers with different sizes and specialized cable cutting pliers for an easy, quick job.
And for those fine jobs, we provide a full set of PH, PZ, Slotted and Torx screwdrivers with small and large sizes. The PH drivers come from PH0 to PH3, the PZ standard comes to PZ3 and the slotted drivers provide the same flexibility in size and length.
While the Torx drivers are rare, we provide a large selection all the way up to T45 which would fit even the most difficult of locations. However, if you want to tighten or loosen a lug nut or the job requires more power, then we have the Ratchet handle with additional Hexagon Sockets with a standard of ¼, 3/8 and ½. The sizes range from 4 to 14mm for the ¼ sockets; 6mm to 21mm for the 3/8 and 10 to 32mm for the ½ sockets.
In addition to all of this we have spanners like the offset one with a closed spanner head with standards from 6×7 to 30×32, handsaws, hammers, cutting disks for different materials and so much more. If you are a contractor and are looking for a place to get everything you need for a professional job, then we are the right place for you.