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These cables are commonly used inside the buildings by constructors for fixed installation in lighting networks, electric power installations, wiring switchboards, machines and equipment. They are also suitable for a surface or in-build mounting.
Items included in our portfolio are: NYIFY, H05V-K, NYM, H07V-U. Numbers of cores from 1 to 3; their sections are from 0.5 mm² to 25 mm² in several different colors.
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What are cables used for
Depending on the requirements and the electrical system that is in place, there are different things a cable needs to achieve. One of them is to transfer information, whether that would be electrical or otherwise charged, from one location to another.
This can be done safely only with the appropriate size and resistance cabling which you can find in our catalogue. The electric wires used in the creation of any of these cables are made from copper as it is the best material for information transfer like sound and pictures, as well as electrical transference.
The loss of fidelity is minimal and it can provide quite a lot of stability to a system if fidelity of information is important. The NYM cables, for example, are doubled insulated, providing enough standardized protection from corrosion in wet and damp places.
They are generally used behind walls for the creation of light systems and can be safely run behind plasterboard, with almost no heat output thanks to their double insulation. They are multi colored cables with ground, zero and a phase copper wire, each with a colored insulation band for ease of identification.
Each wire is in a separate strand, with each wire comprised of multiple strands of copper wire. In order to make it easy to strip the insulation, when a connection needs to be made, all wires are insulated with PVC compound specifically designed for ease of removal once cut.
While there are quite a lot of wireless technologies becoming more prevalent, they are yet not as universal, which is why cables like the NYIFY-O/J are still the kings in the world of electrical systems. There are cables that can be used and in damp or wet rooms, in wall and concrete, in switchboards and machines like the NYM cables. They are suitable for outdoor use if cable is protected against direct sunshine.
The NYIFY-O/J cables are flat cables with 2 от 3 strands of cabling suitable for fixed installation under floors or around skirting, not taking so much height, but being far wider than the drum cables in our category. The rating of these cables is quite high, providing users the capability to create standardized, safe to use, stable systems like lighting or sound systems.
Aside from strand cables, we also have single strand copper cables rated for lower voltages, which are ideal of lighting networks. They are colour coded for easy of identification, with the insulation providing more than adequate thermal and water insulation for the copper strand inside.
The NO5V-K and the NO7V-K cables are rated for higher resistance systems and can deliver higher voltages around a property and are safe to use in residential and commercial circumstances.